What is a Repair Coach?
At RCHV, we refer to our fixers as ‘repair coaches’—because they don’t just fix your stuff for you, they fix it with you. They may ask you to hand them a tool, hold a cable or assist in some other way. They also encourage you to try to fix things on your own at home; part of a repair cafe’s mission is passing on skills, after all!
We feature one of our repair coaches each monthly newsletter. Here are some of the many friendly faces of RCHV; if you click on the picture or their name, it will link through to the newsletter in which they’re featured. Scroll down to the end to read about them in “Repair Coach Corner.” If you don’t see one of your favorite fixers here, please email me and I’ll try to track them down and get them to agree to be featured!
Two repair coaches at Stanford get a perfectly sized helping hand.